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techies oi AMA #1: How To Angular

startup oi, 13 Oct 2022

I was invited by startup oi to talk about Angular, receiving interesting questions from the audience. Around 300 people watched it live, but unfortunately, the video was later made private. Questions included:

  1. How did you first come across Angular and what has your journey been like so far?
  2. What challenges have you faced with Angular and how did you overcome them?
  3. Any advice for beginners in Angular? Where to start and how to grow quickly?
  4. Recommended Angular-related books/websites/platforms for developers?
  5. Opportunities for Angular Developers in the global market?
  6. Why did you organize Angular Vietnam & Angular Singapore communities? Most memorable moment?
  7. What motto keeps you inspired in building the Angular Community?

techies oi AMA #1: How To Angular