At Zyllem, we are leveraging ASP.NET MVC 5 to build our product. So basically, almost 80% of our code base and UI stuff is doing as server side. 20% of the code is the client-side app written in JavaScript in AngularJS, and also TypeScript in Angular 2/4.
There is a traditional UX issue is when we submit the form, sometimes the server takes a long time to respond to the client so that the page stays the same. Most of the time, what we do is to try to click the submit button again, and again. In few last sprint, my boss and I introduced the spinner button.
to the button with type submit in every form.The purpose is to inform user that the system is proceeding their request and also prevent them from submitting the form multiple times by disabling the button.
The sample code in MVC looks like.
@using (var f = Html.Bootstrap().Begin(new Form().LabelWidthMd(4))) {
@Html.Bootstrap().TextBoxFor(x =>
@Html.Bootstrap().PasswordFor(x =>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" data-spinning-button>
Log in
var zyllemMain = (function() {
function processSubmitLoader() {
$('button[data-spinning-button]').click(function() {
var $this = $(this)
let formId = $'spinning-button')
let $form = formId ? $('#' + formId) : $this.parents('form')
if ($form.length) {
//form.valid() will be applicable If you are using jQuery validate
// mvc used it by default with jQuery Unobtrusive Validation
if ($form.valid()) {
.html("<i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin'></i>")
.attr('disabled', '')
return {
initSpinnerButton: processSubmitLoader,
$(document).ready(function() {