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The different between [value] and [ngValue] when passing to select option

TL;DR - Set [value] on <option value="true">Yes</option> will make our model/formcontrol return a string, which mean you receive a string "false", instead of a boolean false. To solve it, use ngValue

Working Example


Recently I have to build a dropdown for a simple yes/no input, which output is equivalent to a boolean type. Obviously, we can always use a checkbox for that purpose.

  <option [value]="false"
    >No: Hide the SLA time windows (only display the calculated time
  <option [value]="true"
    >Yes: Show the SLA time windows for each location in the app in addition to
    the calculated ones</option
<div>Answer: {{ showSLATimeWindowValue ? "Yes": "No" }}</div>

Initially, I set the value of the ngModel to false showSLATimeWindowValue: boolean = false. It displays the value correctly. But as I started to change the value of the dropdown, the model value turned to be a string, either "true" or "false". Not boolean true or false anymore. Therefore the condition to show showSLATimeWindowValue ? "Yes": "No" is broken. Because both "false" and "true" will always be truthy, which mean in the context of boolean, they are always equal true.

The different between [value] and [ngValue] when passing to select option

As mentioned in the Angular documentation:

  • @Input() ngValue: any: Tracks the value bound to the option element. Unlike the value binding, ngValue supports binding to objects.
  • @Input() value: any: Tracks simple string values bound to the option element. For objects, use the ngValue input binding.

Based on the documentation, our example above works as expected.

Solution - to use ngValue

In my case, I can use [ngValue] to set boolean values:

  <option [ngValue]="false"
    >No: Hide the SLA time windows (only display the calculated time
  // value: false (as boolean)
  <option [ngValue]="true"
    >Yes: Show the SLA time windows for each location in the app in addition to
    the calculated ones</option
  // value: true (as boolean)

See stackblitz, works perfectly fine. I received the boolean to display the answer correctly.

Published 2 May 2020

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