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Angular Jira Clone Part 08 - Create placeholder loading (like Facebook's cards loading)

It is common to display a loading spinner to keep visitors entertained while the page is still loading. And there are two modes of a loading spinner:

Mode Description
determinate Standard progress indicator fills from 0% to 100%
indeterminate Indicates that something is happening without conveying discrete progress

Spinners and progress bars are explicit loading paradigms. They focus the user on communicating a loading period and, more often than not, are blocking user interaction until a layout has loaded enough to be useful.

No one wants to wait 🤣

Introducing placeholder loading, it is usually grey or neutral-toned filled shapes, meet the user instantly upon user interaction with calls to action or links. The placeholders (the so-called “bones” of the skeleton) are then replaced with the actual site content, and the illusion is complete. That’s what skeleton screens do: create the illusion of an instant transition.

A famous example is Facebook’ newsfeed.

Angular Jira Clone Part 08 - Create placeholder loading (like Facebook's cards loading) in Angular

Based on a research, displaying a skeleton screen will cause humans to perceive a loading period as being shorter in duration

Jira clone placeholder loading

On jira.trungk18.com, I also need a placeholder loading for an issue detail. I could display a spinner, but too much spinner doesn’t seem like an excellent way to interact with your user. 😂

The standard-issue detail will have two columns layout.

Angular Jira Clone Part 08 - Create placeholder loading (like Facebook's cards loading) in Angular

I translated the above detail layout to gray rect and circle SVG at the end.

Angular Jira Clone Part 08 - Create placeholder loading (like Facebook's cards loading) in Angular

How to create a placeholder loading

I used ngneat/content-loader for this purpose. You need to prepare an SVG structure, and content-loader will do the rest of the work for you, including the animation.


yarn add @ngneat/content-loader


import { ContentLoaderModule } from '@ngneat/content-loader'

  imports: [ContentLoaderModule],
export class AppModule {}

And specify your placeholder template:

  <svg:rect x="0" y="0" rx="3" ry="3" width="250" height="10" />
  <svg:rect x="20" y="20" rx="3" ry="3" width="220" height="10" />
  <svg:rect x="20" y="40" rx="3" ry="3" width="170" height="10" />
  <svg:rect x="0" y="60" rx="3" ry="3" width="250" height="10" />
  <svg:rect x="20" y="80" rx="3" ry="3" width="200" height="10" />
  <svg:rect x="20" y="100" rx="3" ry="3" width="80" height="10" />

Warning: Safari renders the SVG in black in case your Angular application uses the <base href="/"/> tag in the <head/> of your index.html. Refer to the input property baseUrl on the library documentation to fix this issue.

What is svg:rect

There are several basic shapes used for most SVG drawing. SVG has some predefined shape elements that can be used by developers:

  • Rectangle <rect>
  • Circle <circle>
  • Ellipse <ellipse>
  • Line <line>
  • Polyline <polyline>
  • Polygon <polygon>
  • Path <path>

For placeholder loading, the most used two are rect and circle.

For Angular to work, you need to specify svg:rect instead of purely rect. If you use rect only, it will give you an error


In detail for rect, it is a basic SVG shape that draws rectangles, defined by their position, width, and height. The rectangles may have their corners rounded.

<svg:rect x="20" y="100" rx="3" ry="3" width="80" height="10" />
Attribute Description Explain
x left position of the rectangle x="20" places the rectangle 20px from the left margin
y top position of the rectangle y="100" places the rectangle 100px from the top margin
width & height height and the width of the rectangle width="80" mean 80px wide and height="10" mean 10px tall
rx radius on the x-axis (horizontal corner) rx="3" mean 3px radius on the x-axis
ry radius on the y-axis (vertical corner) ry="3" mean 3px radius on the y-axis

How to create Jira clone placeholder loading

Pretty straight forward, based on the issue detail layout with two columns. I went ahead and wrote the following code. You’re all set!

  [viewBox]="'0 0 940 260'"
  <svg:rect x="0" y="0" rx="3" ry="3" width="627" height="24" />
  <svg:rect x="0" y="29" rx="3" ry="3" width="506" height="24" />
  <svg:rect x="0" y="77" rx="3" ry="3" width="590" height="16" />
  <svg:rect x="0" y="100" rx="3" ry="3" width="627" height="16" />
  <svg:rect x="0" y="123" rx="3" ry="3" width="480" height="16" />
  <svg:rect x="0" y="187" rx="3" ry="3" width="370" height="16" />
  <svg:circle cx="18" cy="239" r="18" />
  <svg:rect x="46" y="217" rx="3" ry="3" width="548" height="42" />
  <svg:rect x="683" y="3" rx="3" ry="3" width="135" height="14" />
  <svg:rect x="683" y="33" rx="3" ry="3" width="251" height="24" />
  <svg:rect x="683" y="90" rx="3" ry="3" width="135" height="14" />
  <svg:rect x="683" y="120" rx="3" ry="3" width="251" height="24" />
  <svg:rect x="683" y="177" rx="3" ry="3" width="135" height="14" />
  <svg:rect x="683" y="207" rx="3" ry="3" width="251" height="24" />

Source code and demo

  1. https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-placeholder-loader-like-facebook
  2. issue-loader.component.html

See all tutorials for Jira clone


Published 7 Nov 2020

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