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Angular formArray/formGroup - Validate at least one checkbox was selected

TL;DR - I prefer to use FormGroup to populate the list of checkbox. For checking at least one checkbox was selected, write a custom validator.

Working example

I often have the requirement to make sure there is at least one checkbox inside a list of checkboxes got selected on the UI. With the support of Angular Reactive form, you can archive it in a few lines of code.

Most of the time, the list of checkboxes was populated on the server and I received it through API. But sometimes you will have a static set of the checkbox with your predefined value. With each use case, the corresponding FormArray or FormGroup will be used.

Basically FormArray is a variant of FormGroup. The key difference is that its data gets serialized as an array (as opposed to being serialized as an object in case of FormGroup). This might be especially useful when you don’t know how many controls will be present within the group, like dynamic forms.

For the sake of simplicity, imagine you have a simple create product form with

  • One required product name textbox.
  • A list of category to select from, required at least one to be checked. Assume the list will be retrieved from the server.

First, I set up a form with only a product name formControl. It is a required field.

this.form = this.formBuilder.group({
  name: ['', Validators.required],

Since the category is dynamically rendering, I will have to add these data into the form later after the data was ready.

this.getCategories().subscribe(categories => {

There are two approaches to build up the category list:

1. Form Array

buildCategoryFormArr(categories: ProductCategory[], selectedCategoryIds: string[] = []): FormArray {
  const controlArr = categories.map(category => {
      let isSelected = selectedCategoryIds.some(id => id === category.id);
      return this.formBuilder.control(isSelected);
  return this.formBuilder.array(controlArr, atLeastOneCheckboxCheckedValidator())

This buildCategoryFormArr will return me a FormArray. It also takes a list of selected values as an argument so If you want to reuse the form for edit data, it could be helpful. For building a new product form, it is not applicable yet. For instance, If I want category1 to be selected by default, I can just pass it to the function.

buildCategoryFormArr(categories, ['category1'])

The HTML is simple, just loop through the from array control and render it into the UI.

  *ngFor="let control of categoriesFormArr?.controls; let i = index"
    ><input type="checkbox" [formControl]="control" />
    {{ categories[i]?.title }}

Noted that when you try to access the formArray values. It will look like [false, true, true]. To get a list of selected id, you will have to take based on the array index. It doesn’t sound good to me but it works.

get categoriesFormArraySelectedIds(): string[] {
  return this.categories
  .filter((cat, catIdx) => this.categoriesFormArr.controls.some((control, controlIdx) => catIdx === controlIdx && control.value))
  .map(cat => cat.id);

That’s why I came up using FormGroup for that matter

2. Form Group

The difference of the formGroup is it will store the form data as the object, which required a key and form control. So it is a good idea to set the key as the categoryId and then we can extract it later.

buildCategoryFormGroup(categories: ProductCategory[], selectedCategoryIds: string[] = []): FormGroup {
  let group = this.formBuilder.group({}, {
    validators: atLeastOneCheckboxCheckedValidator()
  categories.forEach(category => {
    let isSelected = selectedCategoryIds.some(id => id === category.id);
    group.addControl(category.id, this.formBuilder.control(isSelected));
  return group;
<div *ngFor="let item of categories; let i = index" class="checkbox">
    />{{ categories[i]?.title }}{% endraw %}

The value of the form group will look like:

    "category1": false,
    "category2": true,
    "category3": true,

But most often we want to get only the list of categoryIds as ["category2", "category3"]. I also have to write a get to take these data. I like this approach better comparing to the formArray, because I could take the value of the form itself.

get categoriesFormGroupSelectedIds(): string[] {
  let ids: string[] = [];
  for (var key in this.categoriesFormGroup.controls) {
    if (this.categoriesFormGroup.controls[key].value) {
  return ids;

3. Custom validator to check at least one checkbox was selected

I made the validator to check at least X checkbox was selected, by default it will check against one checkbox only.

export function atLeastOneCheckboxCheckedValidator(
  minRequired = 1
): ValidatorFn {
  return function validate(formGroup: FormGroup) {
    let checked = 0

    Object.keys(formGroup.controls).forEach(key => {
      const control = formGroup.controls[key]

      if (control.value) {

    if (checked < minRequired) {
      return {
        requireCheckboxToBeChecked: true,

    return null

Then you’re all set. I hope it could help you get the idea. You could check again the working example to see how they worked together. It is just a trivial problem but Angular team doesn’t provide us a really helpful document… It took me hours to just trying to get FormArray and FormGroup work for a list of the simple checkbox. It has been a few years since they introduced the Reactive Form but people keep asking about these simple problems. Maybe I will switch to React or Vue very soon.

Published 9 Jun 2019

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